POST Add Deposit

Adds a deposit to a previously submitted order. Order must still be unreleased. Use the ReleaseAwaitingDeposits flag in POST order to guarantee an external order will not be released.

URI template


Request Information

URI Parameters

NameTypeAdditional informationDescription
storeIdentifier integer


The store to send the command to

orderId long


The Id of the order

isFinalDeposit boolean

Default value is False

Indicates whether the Payment is the final deposit. The order will be fired to the kitchen
when set to true

timeout integer

Default value is 30000

The timeout for this command, in milliseconds

Body Parameters

Tender for the deposit

NameTypeAdditional informationDescription
ExpirationDate string


Expiration Date of the card e.g. 2015-12-25

ZipCode string


Address information used to help verify the card holder.
This is typically the zip code from the card holder’s billing address

SecurityCode string


CVV information used to identify the physical card itself

ProtectionId string


Identifier accompanying an encrypted credit card payment

TenderId string


Identify Tender Id

EncryptedCardNumber string


Encrypted payment-card information

P2PECombo P2PEProvider


Indicates which Point-To-Point Encryption provider is used to apply payments when using Tokens.
The value is going to be null at the output if P2PEProvider.Unknown is selected as this is what ATO expects.

PaymentMethodType CustomerPaymentMethodType


Type of tender the tender element represents.

AccountNumber string


Identify Card Number

PayBalance boolean


Indication that amount of the tender shoud be equal to balance due

Amount decimal number


Amount to tender the order

Tip decimal number


Amount of the tip

PreAuthorize boolean


If true, tender must be pre-authorized before order submission is successful.
A failed pre-authorization will result in a rejected order

DepositTenderType CustomerPaymentMethodType


Deposit Tender Type

WalletType WalletType


Enumeration of the Wallet Provider used for this tender

WalletId string


Customer’s Wallet Id provided by the Wallet application

ProcessingType ProcessingType


Indicates the type of data passed in through the AccountNumber element. This determines what kind of processing to perform.

CardNumberMasked string


The masked card number. If a Token is supplied as the payment type then this value must be the format preserving masked PAN (e.g. 123456XXXXXX1234).

Request Formats

application/json, text/json

  "ExpirationDate": "sample string 1",
  "ZipCode": "sample string 2",
  "SecurityCode": "sample string 3",
  "ProtectionId": "sample string 4",
  "TenderId": "sample string 5",
  "EncryptedCardNumber": "sample string 6",
  "P2PECombo": 0,
  "PaymentMethodType": 0,
  "AccountNumber": "sample string 8",
  "PayBalance": true,
  "Amount": 10.0,
  "Tip": 11.0,
  "PreAuthorize": true,
  "DepositTenderType": null,
  "WalletType": 0,
  "WalletId": "sample string 14",
  "ProcessingType": 0,
  "CardNumberMasked": "sample string 15"

application/xml, text/xml

<Payment xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <AccountNumber xmlns="">sample string 8</AccountNumber>
  <Amount xmlns="">10</Amount>
  <CardNumberMasked xmlns="">sample string 15</CardNumberMasked>
  <DepositTenderType i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
  <DepositTenderTypeString xmlns="">sample string 13</DepositTenderTypeString>
  <PayBalance xmlns="">true</PayBalance>
  <PaymentMethodType xmlns="">None</PaymentMethodType>
  <PaymentMethodTypeString xmlns="">sample string 7</PaymentMethodTypeString>
  <PreAuthorize xmlns="">true</PreAuthorize>
  <ProcessingType xmlns="">CreditCard</ProcessingType>
  <Tip xmlns="">11</Tip>
  <WalletId xmlns="">sample string 14</WalletId>
  <WalletType xmlns="">Unknown</WalletType>
  <EncryptedCardNumber>sample string 6</EncryptedCardNumber>
  <ExpirationDate>sample string 1</ExpirationDate>
  <ProtectionId>sample string 4</ProtectionId>
  <SecurityCode>sample string 3</SecurityCode>
  <TenderId>sample string 5</TenderId>
  <ZipCode>sample string 2</ZipCode>

Response Information

Resource Description

A FormattedOrderResponse

NameTypeAdditional informationDescription
ApiResult StoreApiResponse


The result returned by the Api

UpdatedOrder OutOrder


The updated Order returned by the POS

NewSuggestedTime date


Set when the attempt to fulfill the Order at the specified PromiseTime would exceed the set Capacity for the restaurant. Only set in a Submit Order call

Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "UpdatedOrder": {
    "$id": "2",
    "OrderId": 0,
    "OrderNumber": 0,
    "SequenceNumber": 0,
    "FirstSentToKitchenTime": null,
    "LastSentToKitchenTime": null,
    "FirstBumpTime": null,
    "LastBumpTime": null,
    "FirstPaymentTime": null,
    "LastPaymentTime": null,
    "DispatchTime": null,
    "FulfilledTime": null,
    "ClosedTime": null,
    "ModeCharge": 0.0,
    "SubTotal": 0.0,
    "DiscountTotal": 0.0,
    "Tax": 0.0,
    "PaymentTotal": 0.0,
    "Total": 0.0,
    "Tendered": false,
    "DriverId": 0,
    "Customer": {
      "$id": "3",
      "DeliveryZone": null,
      "ExtraAddresses": null,
      "Vehicle": null,
      "CustomerId": 0,
      "ReferenceId": 0,
      "FirstName": "",
      "LastName": "",
      "EMail": null,
      "LoyaltyCardNumber": "",
      "TaxId": "",
      "Notes": "",
      "VoicePhone": "",
      "VoicePhoneExtension": null,
      "PhoneType": 0,
      "AddressLine1": "",
      "AddressLine2": "",
      "City": "",
      "State": "",
      "Postal": "",
      "AddressNotes": null,
      "AddressType": 0,
      "SaveAddress": false,
      "BusinessName": "",
      "DepartmentName": ""
    "Items": [],
    "FailedItems": [],
    "Tenders": [],
    "Promos": [],
    "Comps": [],
    "Guests": [],
    "ReferenceNumber": 0,
    "ExternalOrderId": null,
    "OrderTime": null,
    "PrepTime": 0,
    "DriveTime": 0,
    "PromiseDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "OrderSource": 0,
    "Destination": null,
    "SourceId": null,
    "DestinationId": null,
    "OrderMode": 0,
    "OverrideModeCharge": null,
    "Status": 0,
    "AutoSendToKitchen": false,
    "TaxExempt": false,
    "EstimatedSubTotal": 0.0,
    "EstimatedTax": 0.0,
    "SpecialInstructions": null,
    "CheckedIn": false,
    "CheckInSummary": null,
    "CheckInApplication": null,
    "CheckInOriginType": null,
    "CheckInOriginId": null,
    "CheckInVectorType": null,
    "CheckInVectorId": null,
    "CheckInIntent": null,
    "AutoRelease": false,
    "PartySize": 0,
    "ReleaseAwaitingDeposit": false,
    "AssignAlohaLoyalty": false,
    "SiteInformation": null,
    "KitchenStatus": 0
  "NewSuggestedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
  "ApiResult": {
    "$id": "4",
    "TransactionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "ResultCode": 0,
    "ResultMessage": "Success"

application/xml, text/xml

<FormattedOrderResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <ApiResult xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns="">
  <UpdatedOrder xmlns:d2p1="">
    <AssignAlohaLoyalty xmlns="">false</AssignAlohaLoyalty>
    <AutoRelease xmlns="">false</AutoRelease>
    <AutoSendToKitchen xmlns="">false</AutoSendToKitchen>
    <CheckInApplication i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInIntent i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInOriginId i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInOriginType i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInSummary i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInVectorId i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckInVectorType i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <CheckedIn xmlns="">false</CheckedIn>
    <Destination i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <DestinationId i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <DriveTime xmlns="">0</DriveTime>
    <EstimatedSubTotal xmlns="">0</EstimatedSubTotal>
    <EstimatedTax xmlns="">0</EstimatedTax>
    <ExternalOrderId i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <KitchenStatus xmlns="">None</KitchenStatus>
    <LaneIdentifier i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <OrderMode xmlns="">None</OrderMode>
    <OrderSource xmlns="">None</OrderSource>
    <OrderTime i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <OverrideModeCharge i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <PartySize xmlns="">0</PartySize>
    <PrepTime xmlns="">0</PrepTime>
    <PromiseDateTime xmlns="">0001-01-01T00:00:00</PromiseDateTime>
    <ReferenceNumber xmlns="">0</ReferenceNumber>
    <ReleaseAwaitingDeposit xmlns="">false</ReleaseAwaitingDeposit>
    <SiteInformation xmlns:d3p1="" i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <SourceId i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <SpecialInstructions i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
    <Status xmlns="">None</Status>
    <TaxExempt xmlns="">false</TaxExempt>
    <d2p1:ClosedTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:Comps />
      <AddressLine1 xmlns=""></AddressLine1>
      <AddressLine2 xmlns=""></AddressLine2>
      <AddressNotes i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
      <AddressType xmlns="">None</AddressType>
      <BusinessName xmlns=""></BusinessName>
      <City xmlns=""></City>
      <CustomerId xmlns="">0</CustomerId>
      <DepartmentName xmlns=""></DepartmentName>
      <EMail i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
      <FirstName xmlns=""></FirstName>
      <LastName xmlns=""></LastName>
      <LoyaltyCardNumber xmlns=""></LoyaltyCardNumber>
      <Notes xmlns=""></Notes>
      <PhoneType xmlns="">None</PhoneType>
      <Postal xmlns=""></Postal>
      <ReferenceId xmlns="">0</ReferenceId>
      <SaveAddress xmlns="">false</SaveAddress>
      <State xmlns=""></State>
      <TaxId xmlns=""></TaxId>
      <VoicePhone xmlns=""></VoicePhone>
      <VoicePhoneExtension i:nil="true" xmlns="" />
      <d2p1:DeliveryZone i:nil="true" />
      <d2p1:ExtraAddresses i:nil="true" />
      <d2p1:Vehicle i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:DispatchTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FailedItems />
    <d2p1:FirstBumpTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FirstPaymentTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FirstSentToKitchenTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FulfilledTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:Guests />
    <d2p1:Items />
    <d2p1:LastBumpTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:LastPaymentTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:LastSentToKitchenTime i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:Promos />
    <d2p1:Tenders />